Arte y Cultura

Tocando el Sikuri en la Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina

Sikuris Land

The Bands of Sikuris, of pre-Columbian origin, were incorporated by the Spaniards to religious celebrations as a form of worship. It is one of the examples of the fusion between both cultures as a result of the conquest, as is the Carnival, where the traditions of the people intermingle with motives of the Catholic religion.

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Humita, comida típica del norte argentino

Typical foods: "la Humita"

Present in almost all the geography of the Andes Mountains its flavor is, was and will be the very representation of Pachamama (Mother Earth) in our kitchen.

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Ricardo Vilca, música folklore argentino

Ricardo Vilca, his music and his people

Tukuta Gordillo defined it as "the finest and most enlightened of us all, who understood that music was another element of nature and that is why he played the music of the sapphires, the hackers, the Andean, the deep sound of the man standing in the middle of everything and nothingness that is the Puna."

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Mural en las calles de Tilcara, en la Quebrada de Humahuaca

A mural, mirror of my people

Noisy, picturesque and magical, the Municipal Market of Tilcara, opens its doors to tilcareñ1os and strangers. Placed between the boxes of vegetables and fruits, delicious, fresh and healthy, the Cholas are camouflaged preparing the Api and the Buñuelos for the Quebradeño breakfast.

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Paisajes y colores de la Quebrada de Humahuaca

Poetic Ravin

To walk dreaming of stars and love and poetry in La Quebrada ...

Do we divide the sky?
Look, from Cerro Negro to Rio Grande it is mine.
Everything about you is yours.
You think? do you agree?
Or do you prefer that we divide it from south to north?
For example: from where you can see the Perchel Narrow
towards Huancar de Abra Pampa is yours,
Leave me all the blue sky from the Painter's Palette
up to 7 colors of Purmamarca.
Or, if you want, we can divide it according to the passing of the hours ...
the night with its moon and its tablecloth of stars for me ..
We owe you all the sun and the deep blue of the afternoon.
For me it is the sunset over Cerro Cono.
For you, the dawn coloring Huichaira ...
If you want, as we divide the river:
Rio Grande, to the south, as far away, Going to the horizon,
all yours ... Huasamayo, calm river, forgotten but eternal, all mine ...

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Quena, un instrumento de las culturas norteñas.

Northern music

A sound that resembles the wind, the vibration of some strings and a constant percussion. It is the music of the north, which has a very strong identity and its origin in the mixture of the customs of the pre-Columbian peoples with elements of the Spanish conquest.

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